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Friday, February 4, 2011

The Illegal Alien Dilema

After receiving a suggestion to do a post on illegal aliens, I began to do some research. Some of the findings I knew, some I did not. Irregardless I was left even more infuriated at the situation than I was before.

My first order of business was to see if I could find any statistics on what countries illegal immigrants stem from. I must admit that I was left surprised. As most Americans know, the majority of illegals come from Mexico. The part however that surprised me was this list of other countries that illegals immigrate from as well. WHERE-DO-ILLEGAL-ALIENS-COME-FROM .
Some examples were China , Brazil , Korea , India and many many more. Since this report is 11 years old I am sure those numbers have greatly increased.

I like many others, first think of Mexicans when I hear of illegal immigrants due to the fact that those are the illegals that are always being referred too. And is it probably also due to the fact that illegal Mexican immigrants are the group that we as a country have such have such a hard time policing. 

I read an article that is basically a Q and A on illegal aliens and the economic impact they have. I must say that I strongly disagree with a segment in this article that states that illegal immigrants have little or no impact on the unemployment rate. It seems to me that many Americans in this time of economic difficulty are having a hard time even finding jobs in the fields of construction, landscaping and various other labor intensive fields. Why this is so, is really quite easy. Why would someone hire an American legal citizen when they can hire an illegal for much less. 

This  brings up yet another point. Illegals of any nationality are illegal. Therefore they should not be given jobs in the first place. I am not saying that people of all nationalities should not immigrate to other countries. What I am saying is to do it legally. By allowing illegals to stay here we are worsening the situation. Especially with the current need of so many Americans to find jobs of any kind. 

The next question is why are so many illegal aliens not deported? I for one am baffled by this. In fact if you run a online search you can find stories about illegal immigrants being arrested over and over until finally being deported. It was always my thought that illegals are illegal. Therefore just being in a country where you are not allowed to be without legal right, should be grounds for removal. At you can clearly see that state and local law are most certainly allowed to obtain and hold an illegal immigrant. More so, they are allowed to do so on suspicion that an individual is an illegal alien.

On one hand, I say that law officers both state and county should do this. On the other hand, that would truly increase the officers already heavy work load. Perhaps a good solution would be to implement a small group of state highway officers for each state whose soul purpose is to track down known illegals and to investigate potential cases of illegal immigration.This would also open up more jobs across the country since this is not a a problem that will be going away anytime soon.

I really find this issue in general to be unbelievable. It seems like a never ending loop. What confuses me the most is that our Government, the government of the United States Of America, deemed these individuals as illegal in the first place. But somehow, this group of people who are "illegal" are on the system, driving around with drivers licenses (usually fraudulently), and working at jobs that many many Americans need and or want. I think it is a shame that illegal immigrants have children and instantly are allowed to stay. This is only adding to the problem. We already have so much poverty in this country and now it seems we are importing it from Mexico and various other countries.

In short, this really must be addressed in a head on, hands on kind of way. I love this country through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I hate that illegal aliens are breaking the law by being here and being rewarded by taking things that rightly belong to the legal citizens of this country.

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