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Friday, February 11, 2011

Young Mothers Raising The Next Generation Of Inmates?

                                                 Image: Louisa Stokes /

 There have been many studies on the effect of children that come from young mothers that are raised without fathers. What those studies and statistics show are beyond startling and disturbing.

While researching this topic, I found a great website that list's some of the governments statistics on the outcome of children being raised by young single mothers. Some of the more shocking stats that are listed are as follows:
1) Children in homes without fathers are more likely to live in poverty.

2) Children from single parent homes are likely to develop drug and alcohol abuse.

3) Children from single parent homes are more likely to commit criminal acts. These of course are just a few examples and merely the tip of the iceberg.

Now of course these statistics are flawed in that the research done was not in depth enough. For example, what differences on children can be found between homes with a single mom compared to a single dad. Also, what if the single mom has an extensive family network compared to mom's with little or no family.

My biggest concern is not listed in these statistics per say, but perhaps can be found by reading between the lines. I am speaking of how these young girls are raising these children. I am speaking directly about the young girls who have children fathered by men who have jail and or prison records. I have seen this too many times first hand and realize that it is a viscous cycle that sadly seems to repeat itself over and over. What needs to be studied in depth is the character traits that is being passed on to these young ones and what can be done to change it.

I realize that not all single family homes are like the above example. There are indeed both single mother's and father's that instill values and discipline and character in their children. There are also situations where the father may not live with the children, but is still a constant in their lives. These children are the blessed ones. These children are more likely to grow up and finish school and make wonderful lives for themselves. This is why I say the above statistics are inaccurate to a degree. These studies are not covering all facets of single parents.

I have seen too many children raised by young mothers that already show extreme behavioral problems. I know of a case where a three year old bi racial child is allowed is to go around calling people of all creeds and colors the N word. The mother laughs. The father and other men in this particular child's life have all been incarcerated and the mother is much younger acting than her actual age of 20. I am not sure which group of  circumstances is affecting this child worse. Another example is how this same child is allowed to hit people and animals. Is given anything he wants in order to keep him from crying. I am afraid this is the outcome for many children being raised by very young girls.

I think that schools, churches, youth groups etc... need to concentrate not only helping to prevent teen pregnancy but to also develop support for those that already have children. They need to see how to raise their children in a positive way and what could and probably will happen if they continue to allow their children to go down the path they are on.

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